Product Photography and Tools Under 500/- That Instagrammers Love

Product Photography – If you are running an E-commerce website, you probably already know how amazing your products are, but until a customer has your product in hand, all they have to rely on are the pictures on your social media and website.

What shoppers see is often a deciding factor in whether they will stay on your Instagram profile or lose interest, so good product photography is the best way to keep viewers on your profile.

Product Photography

Types of product photography

Every product photography isn’t one size fits all. Just like your e-commerce store, product photos come in a variety. Some are for everyday use, while others are more unique and only used in exceptional cases. Analyze your product and choose wisely which type of product photography suits your products.

Individual shots

One of the most common types of product photos, the individual shot, contains only one object in the frame. These are often featured in social media advertisements and banner images.

Individual Product Shot.

Group Shots

Yes, you guessed it right. This type of shot tells a variety of collections in the same category. Often used for product kits and collections, group photography displays the range and variety of your products and gives the customer a more complete view of your offering. It ia best for social media engagement

Group photoshot

Lifestyle shots

These shots compliment your product shots. Often shot with a model, lifestyle product shots tell the story behind your product and how the customer can use them. They’re also perfect for social media, emails, ads and other visual channels because they catch the eye and make your products feel more personal.

Lifestyle Photoshot

Scale shots

The common issue with the product shoot is, the misleading size of product. In the photo shot, the actual size of the product can’t be anticipated by the customer.

Scale Photography

To solve this problem and give more insight to your customer, use SCALE PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY.

With this, you can help your customers get a better idea of the actual size of a product by comparing it with another everyday item. This will help your customers visualise your products daily and increase their confidence when purchasing online.

Packaging shots

Believe it or not, Customer care about packaging.

From viewing your product on website or social media to get a product delivered email, customer seek shopping that is consistent from start-End.

Even though you have amazing product quality, good photography, if your presentation in packaging needs to be better, the consumer might take a note.

Packaging Product shot

And if your products come with beautiful, branded packaging, why not feature it on your product page to give your customers a taste of what to expect?

Packaging product shot feature not only product itself, but also what customer will first see when it opens the parcel. It is important to make good relation with customer.

Tips For new product photographer

The background should not distract from the product. A simple white or black background is often used, but other colors can also work, depending on the product’s color and texture.

Lighting is essential in product photography as it affects the overall look of the product. Use diffused light sources to avoid harsh shadows, and try to use natural light whenever possible. If you need to use artificial light, use softboxes or umbrellas to diffuse the light.

A camera with a high resolution is essential to create high-quality product photos. A tripod can also be useful to ensure that the camera stays steady during the shoot.

Customers want to see the product’s details, so make sure you take photos that highlight its features. Take close-up shots of the product’s texture, materials, and any unique features.

If the product is meant to be used in a specific way, show it in action. For example, if you’re selling a kitchen appliance, take photos of it in use in a kitchen.

Once you’ve taken your photos, edit them to enhance their quality. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and color saturation as needed. You can also remove any blemishes or imperfections in the product or background.

Take photos of the product from different angles, such as top, bottom, and sides. This will give customers a better idea of what the product looks like.

Tools to use


To display your products during a photoshoot, you’ll need a surface that’s stable and sturdy. This can be a table, a chair or, if you’d like, a professional shooting table sweep — there are plenty of good options on Amazon

Light Tent

For small products like jewellery, this light tent is very cheap on-pocket option OR which you can build on your own using a plastic storage container and a white cloth or paper.

Studio lightening

One option to shot in sunlight and another light is buy reasonable and cheap on pocket Studio light


A steady tripod is necessary to shoot unshaken videos and pictures. You can Buy it on outbound link Amazon  – at cheap price

Mobile Grip

This is required to shoot hands free If you’re shooting with a camera, it likely already has a screw-hole in the bottom that attaches to the top of a tripod. However, if you’re using an iPhone for your photoshoots, you’ll need a mobile grip like the one below to grip the smartphone into place and screw it into your tripod.

You can buy it from Amazon

Photo editing software

There are plenty of free software/Apps available. Some of them are mentioned below.







Product Photography-Conclusion

You definitely only need to implement some of these improvements simultaneously. Creating consistent, high-quality product photos takes time to happen, so it may take some trial and error to achieve the desired results.

By following these tips, you can create great product photos that will help customers make informed buying decisions. Remember to focus on details, use proper lighting, and edit your photos to enhance their quality.

However, once you’re in the swing of things, you’ll be able to wield your product photography to not only take beautiful product photos, but more importantly, create a visually compelling brand and successful ecommerce business.

Note – Check on the price and Book An appointment for your product photography and get immense increase in your sales. Click Here

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